Machinery for building industry

Continuous/Discontinuous System and the Continuous System Machinery & technology for the building industry

Our Technology includes two types of production system that are able to give the client a turnkey plant with all the utilities and auxiliary machineries.

Machinery & technology for the building industry

Our Technology includes two types of production system that are able to give the client a turnkey plant with all the utilities and auxiliary machineries.

Continuous/Discontinuous machinery

  • Continuous / Discontinuous moulding process is the PLASTBAU® System. The Technology applied to this Production Line allow to produce continuous PLASTBAU® products with a discontinuous moulding process. In this section we have:
  • H-Series: is our most complex and complete production line. With its characteristics to integrate steel elements into the EPS can be used to produce every PLASTBAU ® building products, creating those manufactured with a continuous-discontinuous process.
  • D-Series: is a smaller standard machinery compared to the H-Series, it moulds vertically the EPS to create ETICS panels and deck panels.

H-Series Forming Machines

H-Series are our most complex and complete production lines. With their characteristics to integrate and mold steel elements into the EPS (Expanded Polystyrene) can be used to produce every PLASTBAU® building products with a continuous-discontinuous process.

There are three steps:

  1. Moulding Phase
  2. Metal Inserts
  3. Continuous Molding
  1. Moulding Phase


PLASTBAU® H-200 is our universal moulding machine, able to be adapted for the production of several PLASTBAU® building products. The machine can be equipped with interchangeable moulds, allowing the production of:

  • Continuous EPS panels
  • Solid or hollow
  • Any shape included in section: 1200×300 mm
  • Reinforced with up to 4 metal inserts

The mould has a double chamber, the first one is the sinterization chamber, where a section of building element (2 m long) is moulded.

The second one is the curing chamber, where the moulded section that will rest is introduced, waiting for the following moulding cycle.

  1. Metal Inserts

The production process is fully automatic. Up to 4 metal coils can be loaded on reels, those metal inserts are perforated to allow perfect integration with the EPS during the synterization process.

The metal strips are also driven through a roll-forming machine, to be profiled in C-shape studs, that are inserted in continuous into the mould.

  1. Continuous Molding

The moulded element comes out of the mould in steps of 2 m, perfectly fused one to the other.

In the end, a cutting machine will automatically move to the position needed for the production of the panel at the pre-set length.

  • H-200 Metal Floor
  • The PLASTBAU® H200 Metal Floor is a completely automated machine, which uses the same technology of Synthetization of the normal H-200 but is created to develop the PLASTBAU® Metal Floor in one single step, with the possibility of varying thicknesses, dimensions, shapes of the metal profiles and application of the wire mesh which is incorporated into the EPS.
  • Based on the architectural project, you can set the PLASTBAU® H-200 Metal Floor to create the manufacture you need.
  • The production process incorporates a “C”- or “Z”-shape metallic insert and a wire mesh into the EPS. The first one is used to increase strength and solidity while the second is to increase the plaster’s grip.
  • The whole line is 45 m long (storage space included) and 5 m in width and has an average production of 50 m2/h of Metal Floor. Just 1 operator is needed to run this machine.